Hello, and welcome to the home of beautyblog_shan!
First thing’s first, this is my first ever blog post! As you can probably tell, I’m a tad excited. Blogging is something I’ve wanted to do for so long but never had the guts. It probably didn’t help that I was always pre-occupied doing something else that would fill my spare time. Anyway, as I’m finally making time for myself I thought I’d give it a go. What a better way to start than to pursue something that I’m really passionate about.
So, Who am I?
So, let’s start with the basics. I’m Shannon Morris, I’m 23 (25 now) and I live in Bristol. I have a mixed variety of interests to say the least. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m a perfectionist, I’m determined and extremely stubborn if I have my mind set on something. I’m creative and can be impulsive, new things can be overwhelming at first so I benefit massively from a good support network around me.
My favourite form of down time ♥ |
I love living in Bristol. I love City life. Hay-fever dampens the summer vibes but I’m definitely a sun worshiper. I also love Winter, just purely for the dark evenings, the cosy nights in and the excuse to hibernate. Everyone has phases growing up where they wish they could be anywhere but their home town. I found myself in a similar rut 3-4 years ago? My life seemed to be revolving around work and evenings/weekends at my local. I felt myself sinking in a downward spiral and couldn’t see a way out! That was until I started a new job and got my head down, then life started to became a tad more realistic. I guess you could say I popped my own bubble. That’s not to say I lived a sheltered life by any means, that couldn’t be further from the truth. But anyway, I’m still working at the same company but I’ve progressed in my career. From a lone office assistant, I am now the Office Manager managing a team of four. I’m massively proud of what I’ve achieved, and the skill-sets I’ve developed have been priceless.
My Family ♥ |
As for my personal life, I’m pretty settled and definitely content I have to say. I live with my gorgeous boyfriend who also works at the same place. I love having my boyfriend in the same office as a co-worker. Our day to day roles very rarely result in us crossing paths which works in our favour. Work is such a massive part of our lives, we do spend 5 out of 7 days a week there, and knowing that if I’m having a rubbish day all I need to do is take a short walk to his desk or pick up the phone has been a blessing. All I can say is thank god he’s so patient. He literally is so encouraging and supportive I don’t know what I’d do without him. An absolute gem. We also now have two kittens, Oreo & Milkshake. To put it simply, I adore cats. I am a massive cat fan. I’ve grown up with cats and when I moved out a few years and left my cats at my mum’s, I hated it. I’ve wanted kittens since we first moved in together, and we finally got some just before Christmas. Just look at them below.
Meet Oreo & Milkshake! ♥ |
Back to makeup, I’ll be following this blog post with another one solely to tell the story of my entry into the world of make up, but I can briefly summarise here, as well as give a better overview of what it is I’m hoping to achieve. Through social media my priority at the moment is getting my work out there for everyone to see and maintaining a steady stream of fresh content each week. I’ve put so much work into getting my Facebook Page, Beauty Instagram and Twitter up and running. Maintaining those, plus my own personal accounts is no small task, let’s be honest. That being said, I am really enjoying it! I love how supportive my friends and family have been. Even people that I’ve lost contact with have been following my work which has been really lovely to see. I think it’s worth putting it out there that this really has been a life saver. The last few months have been tough due to various unresolved issues in my personal life, but this has given me something to focus my attention on. There’s so much I want to do, and I have so many ideas I’m now just trying to gain time to put them into action.
I really want to do makeup as something on the side. A permanent fixture that’s just there for me to pick up and work on as I please. I want people to try my services, become loyal clients and keep coming back. I’m not doing this with the sole intention to become a famous YouTube star or blogger let’s make that clear. I fully understand how difficult that industry is to get into! I hope that people will read this and enjoy it but it’s not the end of the world. I’m doing this for me and no one else. If it helps make me feel a little better about life and give me something to keep me occupied and give my mind a rest from my stress and anxiety it’s definitely worth it. I created my own logo, I’m taking all my own photos, recording my own videos and uploading all my own content. I’m really happy with the result actually! I love my colour scheme, I love my logo. I’ve got all my scheme colouring and font information ready for when I choose to expand this blog!
Anyway, I think I’ll leave this one here as that’s a good point to finish on!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed reading. Please give the post a thumbs up if you liked it, and add any questions or comments in the box below.