So after so many teasers throughout the month of May, Huda Beauty finally decided to let us know that they were going to be relaunching the palette that broke the internet. It’s not even an exaggeration either as I like many others fell victim to this over two years ago when I tried to get my hands on the original Textured Shadows Palette – Rose Gold edition. After weeks of speculation fuelled by videos of Huda Kattan immersed in a bath of molten gold liquid and beautiful rose bush gardens we finally saw the beloved palette completely revamped with new formulas and new shades.
Rose Gold Remastered ♥ |
18 shades of every makeup fanatics dreams, boasting beautiful buttery matte neutrals, a variety of gold and rose gold shimmers and a few hints of vibrant pinks throughout the palette. The palette itself is very similar to the original Rose Gold palette, but easily the most noticeable difference at first glance is the texture of the shimmers. Personally I never had any issues with the foil shades in the palette, they were vivid and beautifully metallic, taking any day look to full glam in seconds! The only downside being that they needed to be applied with your finger for the best results and this caused controversy for some of the beauty world.
Welcome to the Family! ♥ |
Packaging wise, Huda Beauty opted to go with the same style palette and carton used on the successful Desert Dusk palette, including that all important large mirror. The price point was exactly the same as all the other palettes, £56. I know the launch caused an uproar among the beauty community, with Huda and Makeup fans alike complaining they’d purchased the original version after Huda’s public exclamations and reminders that it was a limited edition product and would soon be gone forever! I personally purchased a back up but I’m not mad about it all. My first one is very loved and looking quite messy now so! Noticeable differences between the Desert Dusk packaging and the Rose Gold packaging include the raised embossing of the Huda Beauty logo on the front of the palette, as well as the roses on the exterior carton. Both palettes feature the same large mirror and metallic accents within the photos on the front.
Swatches ♥ |
As you can see from the swatches, the pigment and colour range really does speak for itself. All of the shades swatched extremely well with limited amounts of fall out on my arm, or kick back in the pan. For those wondering, I purchased the 18 pan swatch stencil from Swatch Perfect and it made this photo a whole lot easier!
Close Up ♥ |
So what’s the difference?
The bottom row in both palettes are exactly the same, ‘Black Truffle’, ‘Suede’, ‘Coco’, Maneater’, ‘Henna’ and ‘Sandalwood’ have all remained although they have apparently been reformulated to the Desert Dusk formula.
From the middle row on the original palette, only the shimmers ‘#BLESSED’ and ‘Moon Dust’ have remained, with the addition of a new champagne gold shade ‘Bubbly’. ‘Bae’ (cream matte) has been completely removed from the palette, whilst ‘Bossy’ (burgundy matte), ‘Flamingo’ (vibrant pink) and ‘Shy’ (peach toned pastel pink) have been reformulated completely and christened with new shade names. ‘Bossy’ has become ‘Risqué’, ‘Flamingo’ is now ‘Doll Face’, and ‘Shy’ has now become ‘Demure’. All three are pretty much identical to the previous shades. 24K has remained the vivid iconic ‘yellow’ gold shade that has since been replicated by Fenty Beauty’s Kilawatt Highlighter in ‘Trophy Wife’.
The top row has had a few changes made, most noticeably ‘Angelic’ has been removed altogether after making an appearance in the Desert Dusk palette instead. It’s been replaced with a new metallic mauve shade ‘Pink Diamond’. The rest of the row containing ‘Dubai’, ‘Fling’, ‘Trust Fund’, ‘Rose Gold’ and ‘24K’ have all been reformulated and are now less chunky, smoother to the touch and easier to apply.
Most of my Huda Beauty collection ♥ |
Huda Beauty really is slaying the game at the moment, I literally can’t wait to see what the brand brings out for the rest of 2018! The obsessions palettes have been such a hit, I took all six palettes away with me on holiday for two weeks and was able to create soooo many looks with them!! We’ve already seen sneak peaks of potentially another new palette hiding amongst Huda’s possessions on her insta and snapchat stories but no word yet on when this is due to be released. Maybe it’s part of the holiday collection?
Swatches ♥ |
After the recent ‘Easy Bake’ fiasco, it’s safe to say Huda has had a tough few months in the beauty community but ‘Hudaholics’ and the Huda Beauty fam seemed to have pulled together. Without going into too much detail and sparking another debate, I can kind of get where people were coming from but anyone who know’s Huda would never believe she’d intentionally steal from a smaller brand after building her following based solely on supporting all members of the beauty community? Anyway, it’s not swayed my opinion of her and I will continue to purchase every product she comes out with!
The ultimate end game is to end up on Huda’s PR list so I’ll keep going until that dream becomes a reality!
What are your thoughts on the new Rose Gold Remastered palette? Did you pick it up?
Leave all thoughts/comments/questions below and I’ll come back to you. Thanks so much for reading!